You might be wondering where I’ve been for the last several weeks (that is, unless you’ve been listening to News Talk 770, in which case it’s...
You might be wondering where I’ve been for the last several weeks (that is, unless you’ve been listening to News Talk 770, in which case it’s...
Now it can be told. After 15 months of glorious: a) semi-retirement b) recovery from politics c) shameless goofing off d) all of the above I am...
Hey, sorry it’s been so long since I ranted in this space. I’ve been working on a big project – still am – that’s consuming a lot of time and...
“Brownsey” would be my friend Keith Brownsey, a professor of policy studies at Mount Royal University and the best damned classroom instructor...
(UPDATE) I told you Calgary wouldn’t get what it needs and deserves in this budget. Funding for the Alberta Creative Hub? – can’t find it. If...
I was back in my old stomping grounds – on talk radio – for most of last month. And now I’m done again for a while. Probably a good...
Ahoy, all you moderate, progressive, moderately-progressive, progressively-moderate, collaboratively-and-cooperatively-inclined,...
Actor James Garner is still alive. And I suspect his long-running TV detective show, “The Rockford Files”, lives on in reruns somewhere. Looking...
If David Lewis were alive today, he’d have a name for Quebecor and The Sun News Network: Corporate Welfare Bums. As leader of the NDP in the 1972...
Again – for the second time in less than 15 months – I am gobsmacked. I love that word, “gobsmacked”. It’s vaguely amusing, for starters, as are so...